Project 5

The evolution of vegetable plants in dynamics using biosensors and intelligent equipment to scan soil properties

Coordinating institution: USAMV Iasi

The Biosensor project aims at the study, design and commissioning of a fertilization equipment based on the measurement of the current created in the plant by the circulation of the seed filled with nutrients. The equipment refers to a biosensor required to automatically start or stop the plant for crop irrigation in crop plants, which is based on the capacity of the water absorption plant, depending on the biotic or abiotic factors.


 The implementation of the project will be carried out by a consortium consisting of a component project coordinator, namely USAMV Iasi and three partners: INMA Bucharest, University “Politehnica”of Bucharest and USAMV Cluj-Napoca.Besides the economic component, the project also has an ecological component by rationalizing the use of fertilizers, water used for irrigation and obtaining qualitative products (by reducing the content of heavy metals and nitrates).